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Use this field to search the entire Academy website for a topic you're interested in.
You’ll be taken to a page that lists every spot on the website where your keyword(s) are mentioned, organized by type: courses, lessons, blog posts, forum threads, help files, etc. From there you can click any link to see the related content.
Start with a keyword or two
In order to search effectively, you need to pick a keyword that’s related to the subject of your search. If you want to find blog posts about floating selvages, for instance, the subject is “floating selvage,” not “blog post.”
Stick to singular versions of your keyword rather than plural most of the time: a keyword of selvage will find results that contain both “selvage” and “selvages,” but selvages won’t match anything that only has “selvage” without the ‘s’ at the end.
Keep in mind that the same word might be spelled in different ways – selvage and selvedge, dornick and dornik, etc.
Add extra descriptors to narrow a search, or take them off to get more results. Selvage will turn up results related to selvages of any kind, but floating selvage will narrow the results to only things that mention those two words together.
Search anywhere, any time
You can use the search button that’s always visible at the top of the page to search the entire site. It works just like this search field – except that you don’t even have to hit Return!
Just click the magnifying glass and type your keyword into the box that opens. A list of the top search results will appear immediately; you can click on any of them to go straight to that content.
Or, hit Return like usual and go to the page that lists all results organized by type so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.