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So far on our Sexy Twills journey we’ve met the captivating curves of Undulating Twills, the alluring angles of Angled Twills, and the subtle shading of Shaded Twills.

In this course, we’ll wrap up our adventure with the sexiest twill of all: Advancing Twills.

Advancing twills have curves AND angles AND shading – often all at once! And sometimes they’ve even got drop-dead gorgeous points.

In this course, we’ll break down Advancing Twills into their component parts and learn what each one does. Then we’ll learn how to reassemble those parts to make an infinite variety of drafts on everything from 4 to 40 shafts.

You’ll learn about nuts and bolts like run length and height, step height or advance, twill and step direction, and more. You’ll learn how to create regular advancing twills, plus practice an entire menu of options for fancier threading variation. You’ll also learn exactly how the tie-up interacts with threading and treadling to create amazing advancing twill designs.

By the end of the class, you’ll be able to:

  • Design an original advancing twill on 4-40 shafts
  • Create beautiful designs combining angles, points and curves
  • Fine tune the shading of an advancing twill from bold to subtle
  • Reduce an advancing twill to fewer shafts, or expand it to more
  • Mix and match threadings, treadlings, and tie-ups for an endless supply of new ideas
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Course Includes

  • 40 Lessons